CLADE’s General Assembly is the highest-level decision-making body and is composed of all its members.
These are the powers of the General Assembly:
- Approve the annual report of the Steering Committee and the Executive Coordination;
- Set the policies, course of action and program of the campaign.
- Select the Steering Committee;
- Review the audited financial report and approve the general budget;
- Amend the internal bylaws;
- Make final decisions regarding membership applications.
The assembly gathers every two years. One of them is a mid-term review and the other one is a quadrennial review, covering the full period of the strategic plan. The last quadrennial review Assemblies took place in 2010, when CLADE's statute was approved, and in 2014 and 2018, years in which the Campaign's four-year strategic plans were approved, respectively for the periods 2015-2018 and 2019- 2022.
Read more about our assemblies:
Final statement2008
Final statement2007
Final statementSteering Committee
The Steering Committee conducts the affairs and activities of CLADE in-between assemblies, in compliance with the resolutions and decisions taken. It is composed of 11 representatives elected by member organizations:
- Six national coalitions: one by subregion, in the case of the Southern Cone and the Andean region; two from the subregion of Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean Basin; and two more elected by the Assembly based on thematic and historical criteria:
- Two regional networks;
- Two international organizations.
- The Executive Coordination.
For the 2020-2022 period, the following organizations were elected to join the Steering Committee:
Action Aid
Agenda Ciudadana por la Educación de Costa Rica
Campaña Argentina por el Derecho a la Educación
Campaña Boliviana por el Derecho a la Educación
Campaña por el Derecho a la Educación de México
Federación Internacional Fe y Alegría
Oxfam DK
Organización Mundial de Educación Preescolar – Región América Latina (OMEP-Latinoamérica)
Reagrupación Educación para Todos y Todas (REPT) Haití
CLADE Brasil
For the purpose of CLADE’s legal representation, an organization was legally incorporated in Brazil under the name CLADE Brasil.
The Steering Committee of CLADE Brasil is composed of:
Theresa Adrião - general director
Rosana Heringer - deputy director
Pedro Pontual
The Fiscal Council is composed of:
Guillermo Murcia
Salomão Barros Ximenes
José Marcelino Pinto
Legal status
The decisions of the Steering Committee of CLADE Brasil follow the General Internal Rules of CLADE. Read more below:
Educación en Voz Alta / Alianza Mundial por la Educación
KIX / Alianza Mundial por la Educación
Asociación Alemana para la Educación de Adultos (DVV International)
Fundación Educación y Cooperación EDUCO
Open Society Foundations
Oxfam DK
Commitment against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Under no circumstances will staff members, collaborators or partners be involved in cases of human rights violations, including the rights of children and adolescents, as well as any form of sexual abuse or exploitation against people of any age.
Inappropriate or suspicious behavior may be reported by any CLADE collaborator, intern or volunteer, or by any partner or external actor who has knowledge or has been a victim of misbehavior, through the e-mail, in a formal or anonymous manner. Whistleblowers may choose to report to CLADE, or any of the means below present in Brazil, which respect the anonymity of the whistleblower, when requested:
- "Disque 100", the official reporting channel of the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights, which operates daily, 24 hours a day. Sexual exploitation and abuse of children and adolescents and any other human rights violation can be reported on this number. The phone call is free, anonymous, and can be made from anywhere in Brazil. After the denunciation, the report is forwarded to the city's responsible agencies so that investigations can be started;
- Civil Police "Dial 181". This channel, which also receives information about other crimes, operates daily, 24 hours a day, and the information can be passed on anonymously, without tracing the call. After analysis by the civil police, the information is forwarded for investigation. When a complaint is made, a protocol is given, through which the investigation can be followed up;
- Safernet, a site that receives anonymous reports of human rights violations;
- Disque 100 online, a site that receives reports of inappropriate content found on the Internet, which can also be reported on the disque 100 site, at;
- Proteja Brasil, an application created by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to facilitate reports of violence against children and adolescents. The application can be downloaded on Android and IOS cell phones and tablets. The app provides phone numbers and addresses of police stations, guardianship councils, and other institutions.
Based on the complaints, CLADE-Brazil will monitor the precautionary measures adopted in parallel to the investigative procedures for criminal actions which are the responsibility of the State, Guardianship Councils and Public Ministry of the regions. CLADE-Brazil will act in a formal or anonymous manner, protecting the manifestation of the whistleblower and taking the necessary decisions for the fulfillment of the required corrective actions.
More details about the conduct expected by CLADE from its employees, trainees, volunteers, partners, suppliers, consultants and others, are presented in CLADE's Code of Conduct.
CLADE's Code of Conduct